Tuesday 14 July 2015

Drinking coffee regularly prevents heart attack

Do you drink coffee three or four cup everyday? If so, you’ll be happy to know that your heart diseases away from the addiction you will. Every day, three to five cups of coffee cardiovascular disease (CVD), 21 percent lower risk of dying from falls. Faculdade De Medicina Da Universidade De Lisboa Portugal, “It is necessary to identify such things, which are less likely to die from heart disease. Small amounts of coffee could benefit. “Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (Aisaisi) stated in a report by lifestyle changes that reduce the risk of dying from heart disease can be. Three to five cups of coffee drinkers around 25 percent lower risk of type 2 diabetes occurs. Patients with diabetes are more likely to die from heart disease. According to the report, cases of heart disease in women by making lifestyle changes can be reduced by 50 per cent.
Nearly 73 percent of coronary heart disease (CHD) and 46 per cent of clinical CVD is disturbed lifestyle. - See more at: http://medianp.net/drinking-coffee-regularly-prevents-heart-attack/#sthash.0Y1y4ZGO.dpuf